The title of this post? Those are words actually used to describe me (“A sparkly unicorn, who runs a think tank…”)–and, I love it.
Here’s what it means: I’m a super-crunchy-granola-woo-woo Goddess: lover of the “Invisible World,” Reiki Master (Japanese energy healer), Yogi (Instructor), Meditation Leader, Energy Worker, Big-time-GodGirl-PrayerLover. And, I adore numbers, data, systems, and results-we-can-measure (I’m the only Non-Accountant Human I know who LOVES doing her taxes). And those of you who know me already know this: I’m a Creatress: Actress-Writer-Speaker-Coach-Content Birther.
So! this Excellent Blog is hereby christened a “Magical Blog Castle,” where you’re warmly invited in for tea-and-snacks, where the glittery unicorns frolic on the front lawn, where the think tank wizards bring us updates, and where we can talk about all things Performance, Energy, Wellness, Creativity (and whatever else you want to talk about).
Shortly, I’ll be starting a project called “100 Moments of Calm,” and between now and the end of 2020, I’ll be posting 100 petite videos (3 minutes-ish), each containing a jewel: a tool, gem, hack or trick to get you CALM, FAST. Like, in SECONDS. Because, well…anything that helps us get our “Calm On” is gorgeous.
Big Love,